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Women Explaining tooth ache issue to the dentist

We all remember the excitement of having a loose tooth as a child. As a kid, a loose tooth might mean a visit from the Tooth Fairy and the world of possibilities and rewards that that brings. And beyond that, losing a tooth as a child is also an important symbol of impending maturity and adulthood. A loose adult tooth, however, holds none of that excitement or promise. And if anything, it is more a cause for worry than anything. This is why if you have a loose adult tooth, you must contact Signature Smiles for an expert dentist to assess the underlying causes and to come up with a treatment plan, if necessary.

What Causes a Loose Adult Tooth?

Of the many factors that can contribute to one or more loose adult teeth, the most common by far is gum disease. And whether it is the common, relatively mild form called “gingivitis,” or the more severe form called “periodontitis,” it is essential that you get it checked out. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that around half of American adults aged 30 and over suffer from some form of periodontal disease. In almost all cases, their situation is due to poor oral hygiene.

Issues arise when plaque develops around the gum line and hardens into tartar. Without removal by routine dental cleanings in CO, tartar causes the gums to recede, which opens up an avenue for infection. Many infections of this kind eventually break down the structures that hold the teeth in place and result in a loose adult tooth or teeth.

There are other potential causes of a loose adult tooth. Including the influx of hormones during pregnancy, lacking vitamins due to malnutrition, the weakening caused by osteoporosis or diabetes, and tooth damage. But whatever the cause, it is important that you see a dentist like Dr. Gunning at Signature Smiles before the situation gets any worse.

How Can I Avoid Getting a Loose Adult Tooth?

There are several ways that you can avoid potential health issues and cosmetic problems that can accompany a loose adult tooth. Some of these include:

  • Brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day
  • Having regular check-ups and professional cleanings at your dentist’s office
  • Making sure that habits and medical conditions associated with gum and tooth problems, like smoking, osteoporosis, and diabetes, are kept in check
  • Eating a healthy balanced diet that is rich in vitamins A, C, and D, and if your doctor or dentist recommends, taking vitamin supplements
  • Wearing a protective mouthguard during contact sports
  • Talking to your doctor or dentist about how the medications you are taking may be affecting your oral health

These activities, especially the regular cleaning and maintenance of your teeth and gums. It can go miles towards a lifetime of excellent oral health. But if you find yourself with a loose tooth or teeth, cosmetic dentistry services in CO bring your full smile back.

Contact Signature Smiles in Parker, CO Today

If you are suffering from a loose adult tooth or teeth, or are otherwise concerned about your oral habits or health, don’t hesitate. Dr. Gunning and the team at Signature Smiles in Parker, CO, are ready to answer any questions you may have. Schedule an appointment with us today by calling 720.513.8405. Whether you require a change in dental care habits, a routine check-up, or a more invasive treatment, call us today!