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Crowns in Parker, CO

As you age, your teeth become more susceptible to stains, damage, and age-related wear-and-tear. At Signature Smiles Dentistry in Parker, Colorado, Nate Gunning, DDS, and the experienced dental team use state-of-the-art technology to create same-day crowns. The team uses a CEREC® machine to make single-visit crowns at their office. To schedule an appointment with the team at Signature Smiles Dentistry, call the office or book online today.

Crowns Q & A

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that fit over the entire visible portion of your teeth. Not only do crowns protect weak and worn teeth from further damage, but they also change their shape, size, or color.

Traditional crowns take at least two visits to plan and place, but Signature Smiles Dentistry has a CEREC milling machine, allowing them to create your new crown in a single visit.

Crowns help restore your teeth to their natural shape and size while hiding imperfections in your smile, such as:

  • Cracked or broken teeth
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Teeth with large fillings
  • Chipped teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Teeth worn from grinding
  • Tooth discoloration

The team at Signature Smiles Dentistry may also recommend a dental crown as an anchor for a bridge or to cap your tooth after root canal therapy.

Crowns come in many materials, but the most popular types consist of porcelain or ceramic materials. Both porcelain and ceramic crowns look natural because the team can color match them to the shade of your other teeth.

The first step in creating crowns is preparing your affected teeth. To ensure the crown looks natural, the team reduces the size of your tooth to make room for it. Next, they use a 3-D scanner to take digital molds, rather than messy, goopy impressions.

If you opt for CEREC same-day crowns, the team creates your restorations on-site with a milling machine. For traditional crowns, your impressions are sent to an outside lab, which requires a 2-3 week wait.

Finally, the team places the crowns, making any necessary adjustments before cementing them in place.

You brush and floss your crowns just like your natural teeth. Once your new crowns are placed, you should be able to eat, speak, and bite down as normal. 

To ensure your crowns last as long as possible, avoid hard candies, popcorn kernels, and other foods that put too much pressure on your crowns. It’s also important to schedule a teeth cleaning and dental exam with the Signature Smiles Dentistry team at least once every six months.

To find out if dental crowns are right for you, call Signature Smiles Dentistry or schedule an appointment online today.

Achieve Your Signature Smile Today